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Sunday, August 29, 2010

CBS News 60 Minutes and Parental Rights

CBS News 60 minutes story

Posted by: ""   donaldtenn

Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:51 am (PDT)

A producer for 60 Minutes is looking into doing a story about families who have
lost children to foster care because of the recession. She is looking for a
direct cause-and-effect relationship, such as a family that became homeless or
lacks adequate housing because of job loss or foreclosure and, as a result,
either had CPS take away the children or the parents felt they had no choice but
to surrender them "voluntarily."
If you don't have a case directly linked to recession, but have clear-cut cases
of children taken when family poverty was confused with neglect, I suggest
telling her about those as well.

Below is the specific request from the producer regarding families and
information appropriate for the 60 Minutes story:

1.) Parents who already have children in the foster care system and who will be
reunited with their children because of HUD’s Family Reunification Program.
2.) Parents who are the brink of having to put their children into the foster
care system because they now have no other choice.
3.) A social worker who works with parents who have to make this tough choice
every day.
4.) Contacts for anyone you think I should be in touch with.
5.) Figures and statistics regarding foster care and the recession.

Given that this is 60 Minutes, the family or social worker would have to be
willing to be on camera.

If you are able to share such information or are in contact with parent that are
involved with child welfare in this capacity or have any other please let me
know as soon as you can. Don't hesitate to contact me via email
I must also mention that in addition to informing the 60 Minutes story, this
opportunity to learn more about the plight of these families will be enormously
helpful to our work at NCHCW to encourage HHS to attend to the economic
challenges faced by families in child welfare. As you know, the Children's
Bureau/ACF has no mechanism or any resources dedicated to economic security
for child welfare families despite the fact that income is a clear indicator of
risk of family separation.

Thanks in advance for considering this request.


Donald Tenn
Fathers 4 Justice



Darrick Scott-Farnsworth

Executive Director 

Cell 269 209-7144 or Nextel DC ID 130*112*19287

True Conservative: Pro-Life, Liberty and Property


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