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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fathers and Families Newsletter 10-26-10

F & F on NBC San Diego, New Column, Be a Part of F & F's Revamped Facebook Page

October 26, 2010

Top Stories

Introducing Fathers and Families Revamped Facebook Page–We Want You to Be a Part of It


Fathers and Families invites our members, activists, and supporters to visit our improved Facebook page. We encourage all of you to promote our page amongst your friends and family members.

How to Get Started

1. Click the "Like" button at the top of our Facebook page to be added as a fan of the page and to receive Action Alerts and other updates with Facebook messages. Clicking "Like" allows you to access other features on the page.

2. Click the "Share" button, in bottom left corner of our Facebook page, to place a description and to link to our page on your wall to let all your friends know you support us.

3. Click the 'Suggest to Friends' item in the left menu under our logo. Then please:

·      Highlight/Click everyone who may support the cause. (You may be surprised who joins and who doesn't, so may as well invite everyone.)

·      Type a sentence or two why you would like them to join.

·      Click 'Send Invitations' button in bottom left of the friend selection window.

An Opportunity for Fathers and Families Supporters

Our improved Facebook page offers our activists the opportunity to:

·      Stay in the loop.  All new Fathers and Families content will appear in your news feed as it is added, if your settings allow.  Never again will you be the last to know--your news feed is the first page you see when you log in and when you click "Home."

·      "Attend" an Action Alert. This lets everyone else know you did your part and shows your friends that you support the Action.

·      "Share" any item that appears on our page, so that all your friends will see it in their news feeds and when they visit your Facebook page.

·      Listen, watch, or read our most recent media coverage.  Share your thoughts with other supporters by commenting on the content.

·      Join the discussion.  Our page has a discussion board to share ideas, news, and opinions. (All posts are moderated, and are required to adhere to the Fathers and Families' Facebook Posting Policies and Rules.)

Volunteers Needed

We are looking for volunteer moderators--if you're interested, please fill out our volunteer form and write "Facebook Moderator" in the "How You Can Help" box.

To contact our Facebook page administrators, simply email

Together with you in the love of our children,

Glenn Sacks, MA
Executive Director, Fathers and Families

Ned Holstein, M.D., M.S.
Founder, Chairman of the Board, Fathers and Families

F & F’s Robinson Discusses Our Military Parent Bill on NBC San Diego


At Fathers and Families we receive many letters from divorced or separated military servicemembers with painful but preventable family law problems.


This year Fathers and Families worked closely with Assemblyman Paul Cook, the American Retirees Association, and others on AB 2416, which California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed recently. The bill addresses several of the child custody and visitation problems suffered by deployed servicemembers–to learn more, click here.

Recently Fathers and Families’ legislative representative Michael Robinson discussed AB 2416 on NBC San Diego. To watch, click here.

Media Opportunity--Are You a Father Who Is/Was/Have You Been Your Children's Primary Caregiver?

Fathers and Families has been contacted by a major national magazine which is doing a story on couples switching primary caregiver/breadwinner roles. They are looking for couples who "have switched back and forth between stay at home mom and stay at home dad during the marriage."

The couples' age range can be late 20s to early 40s.

If this is you, please send your name, contact info. and a brief description of your situation to us at

Please do not respond unless your situation is appropriate.


Join Fathers and Families


Fathers and Families is a family court reform organization with a comprehensive strategy, an impressive history of legislative and fundraising success, and the largest reach of any advocacy group of its kind:

·      Get Involved

·      Contribute to Fathers and Families

·      Become an F & F Activist/Supporter by Filling out Our Volunteer Form

F & F in the Media

F & F Writes Column for Toledo Blade Criticizing Violation of Parental Rights in Wyrembek Adoption Case

In Ohio high court right to unite father, son (Toledo Blade, 10/24/10), Fathers and Families Board Member Robert Franklin, Esq.  criticizes a terrible violation of a father’s right to raise his own child in the  Wyrembek adoption case. We suggest you write a Letter to the Editor of the Toledo Blade at

Franklin writes:

This month, the Ohio Supreme Court finally cleared the way for Benjamin Wyrembek of Swanton to be united with his biological son, who will turn three years old this week. That should have happened long before now.

But for almost three years, attorneys for an adoptive couple in Indiana who have raised the child since birth have kept the case tied up in court, separating father and son.

In the vast majority of cases, adoption is a fine and noble act. But Mr. Wyrembek’s son has never needed adoption. He had a capable, loving father who wanted to care for him.

And from the very first, that fact was public knowledge. Within 30 days of the boy’s birth to a former girlfriend, Mr. Wyrembek registered with the Ohio Putative Father Registry. Then he filed suit to get custody of his son.

At any time since then, the couple that sought to adopt the boy could have done the obvious, fair, and kind thing: hand Benjamin Wyrembek his son and seek another child to adopt. Instead, they chose litigation.

In every court, Benjamin Wyrembek prevailed, because he is the child’s rightful father. And every time he did, opposing attorneys filed more motions and appeals.

Read the full piece here.


What's Happening

Parental Alienation Featured on Dr. Phil

Access Case Shows Need For Family Law Change

New DoD Instruction Strengthens Rights of NonCustodial Parents

Mental Health Experts Publish New Book Urging DSM to Include Parental Alienation in Upcoming Edition

DV Organization for Men Gets Off the Ground in Scotland

Northern Territory of Australia Vows Changes to CPS System

UK’s ‘Families Need Fathers’ Sees Hope for ‘Substantial Reforms’

Study: Men’s Expressions of Reproductive Needs = ‘Reproductive Control’


Kids & Dads

Hockey Star’s Dad Put Him on Train to Success

Zdeno Chara is one of the highest paid and best players in the National Hockey League.  He’s a Boston Bruin, a team captain and a force to be reckoned with on the ice.  This article tells about the role his dad played in making Chara what he is (Boston Globe, 10/18/10).

The elder Chara, himself a Greco-Roman wrestler of some renown in their native Czechoslovakia, sat his son down when he was 16.  He took out a piece of paper, drew a train on it with an engine and several cars and put a dot in the final car.  The dot was Zdeno Chara; the train was his career in hockey.

The father explained to the son that he could devote himself to conditioning, workouts and practice in a truly professional way.  If he did, he’d progress, moving up car after car until he got to the head of the train.  If he didn’t, he’d get off the train which would leave the station never to return.  Zdeno Chara got the message; although he was only 16, he was skilled enough that it was time to take his sport seriously...

Read more here


This email contains a promotional message from the non-profit organization Fathers and Families.
© 2010. Fathers and Families. All Rights Reserved.


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