Monday, February 28, 2011
Kent County: National Family Rights Protest on Michigan for Parental Rights
KS: Paternity Testing Bill
Fw: Paternity Testing Bill
Posted by: "George McCasland" george.mccasland@dads-house.org george1mccasland
Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:45 am (PST)
From: George McCasland
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 5:49 PM
To: melody.mccray-miller@house.ks.gov
Subject: Paternity Testing Bill
Dear Representative McCray-Miller:
I’m the moderator of Dads House Educational Center. We educate fathers on their rights, and responsibilities, to the children of divorce and unmarried parents. We are not per say an activist group as we teach fathers how to work from within the system by fully understanding the issues, and learning how to hire the right attorney, and not just the most expensive.
I have noted the media reports on the Mandatory Paternity Testing Bill you have submitted for consideration. Note first that I am a resident of a nursing home in Overland Park, so as a Kansas resident, the outcome of this Bill is of particular interest to me. Also, I believe a Tennessee State Senator attempted this same move in 2009.
I presume this legislation is a result of the growing number of reported Paternity Fraud cases in the United States, and the specific legislation to allow for non-biological fathers to challenge child support claims made against them which was voted down in July of 2009. At that same time, Missouri passed a similar Bill. The Kansas Bill was pressed by a man who was ordered to pay child support while on deployment, when he could not return to the country to challenge the claim, and request a paternity test.
I would like to commend you for your submission of this Bill for consideration, and would like to be kept apprised of its movement, as well as anything our members, and the members of groups around the country, can be doing to help.
George R. McCasland
Dads House Educational Center
Friday, February 25, 2011
MI House Appropriations for DHS
Subject: [APPR] House Subcommittee Meeting
Subcommittee Meeting
Human Services of the Standing Committee on Appropriations, Rep. David Agema,
Date: 03/01/2011
Time: 9:00 AM
Place: 308 House Office Building, Lansing, MI
- Presentation by Maura Corrigan, Director of the Department of Human Services
- Public Testimony
To view text of legislation go to
Individuals who wish to bring written testimony need to supply a minimum of
thirty copies for distribution.
Individuals needing special accommodations to participate in the meeting may
contact the Chair's office.
HUMAN SERVICES Committee Clerk: Kevin Koorstra
Phone: 517-373-8080
e-Mail: kkoorstra@house.mi.gov
Schedule changes or cancellations available at www.legislature.mi.gov or 24
hours at (517) 373-8140.
Subscribe/Unsubscribe to electronic notices at www.house.mi.gov/Committee_Subscribe.asp
Dennis Lawrence
http://vimeo.com/channels/112287 MPR Video Channel
www.miparentalrights.ning.com Social Network
miparentalrights@gmail.com E-mail Address
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
MN: JPC Shared Parenting Bill Update - What you can do to help
Family Court Reform
JPC UPDATE/Legislative Action Alert
You are Making a Difference! TAKE ACTION NOW!!
Monday February 21, 2011
This Media/Action Alert and JPC Legislative Update Includes:
1. Reminder to continue to write newspaper letters to editor and make online comments
a. WHY? Judges and legislators gauge public interest that way – the more feedback the paper gets for an extended time, the more likely they will print more articles on this issue – that's how we rally public outcry
2. Educate yourself - listen to the two hearings we've had so far on HF322
a. WHY? You can learn about the process and hear what's been presented
3. Review the UPDATE of where the bill is at – Know where things are at
a. WHY? The legislative process is more complicated that most anyone would fathom. When you keep on top of the updates you'll understand how and why your ongoing volunteer work is essential.
4. Instructions on what you (anyone) can do to help the JPC effort at the MN legislature
a. WHY? Change will occur in direct proportion to the number of people willing to get involved - meaningful involvement means taking a project on this list and stick with it through the legislative session
5. Help us raise donations to CPR
a. WHY? Our opposition is heavily funded to lobby against us. CPR has no paid lobbyist. CPR needs "some" funding to provide educational information to combat our ruthless opponents who are mostly the divorce industry.
(sorry about the long email – we have limited volunteers so it's hard to do this with great frequency so we try cram in as much information as we can until the next update!)
Details below …
ACTION ITEM ONE: Write letters-to-the editor and make comments online
Star Tribune article
Read article - http://www.startribune.com/local/114246189.html
FORWARD the article to legislators, judges, lawyers, other interested fathers, mothers, grandparents, second spouses, and OTHER media outlets (radio, TV stations, etc)
Read comments & comment online (see link - end of article) – quite a few of you have made a comment (great! Thanks for the support!), add comment - don't let the opposition get the last word.
THANK the reporter – gail.rosenblum@startribune.com - if you thank her she might write more about you – tell her your story!
Email the political reporter and the newspaper editor – as them to follow this bill
Write and submit your own article for the paper!
Pioneer Press article
Read article - http://www.twincities.com/ci_17321043?source=most_emailed&nclick_check=1
FORWARD the article to legislators, judges, lawyers, other interested fathers, mothers, grandparents, second spouses, and OTHER media outlets (radio, TV stations, etc)
Read comments and Comment online (see link – end of article) – quite a few of you have made a comment (great! Thanks for the support!), add comment - don't let the opposition get the last word.
See letter-to-editor PRINTED in paper against us on Feb 11 2011 - http://www.twincities.com/letters/ci_17353996 (scroll down to "children's best interest" written by family law attorney)
THANK the opinion page editor Mike Burbach (call or email) - if you thank him he might print more about the issue.
Email the political reporter and the newspaper editor – as them to follow this bill
Write and submit your own article for the paper!
ACTION ITEM TWO: Listen to two hearings so far at the MN House of Representatives Civil Law Committee
Hearings at: http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/audio/archivescomm.asp?comm=87003&ls_year=87
Find Civil Law Hearing Feb 8, 2011 and January 26, 2011
THANK the committee chair for his support of the process
Listen now: hear audio of hearing
View Archive: see video of hearing
Link to HF322 to see bill updates
Email all legislators (especially Civil Law Committee and Judiciary Policy Committee) and ask them for their support – explain why – focus on the kids – remind them it's a non-partisan issue. Call their offices and ask if they are for or against. If they are against ask why (find out and email their comments ot us at jpceffort@cpr-mn.org) – and tell them to contact jpceffort@cpr-mn.org or Rep Peggy Scott if they have ideas on how to make the bill better
ACTION ITEM THREE: Update on bills.
Update on bill language and amendments and process completed, see:
Bill has had two hearings in Civil Law, a third expected this month yet (where they will vote, public testimony unlikely)
Bill will then go to House Judiciary Policy Committee next – time unknown, but expected in March
Legislative hearings are often scheduled without much notice – we will try keep you posted – or contact the committee administrators and get on an email list where you can get your own updates
For future update – go online yourself at: www.house.leg.state.mn.us, see "bill search and status" then "get bill HF322"
THEN – the senate bill will begin the process in the next 10 days (or so). We have a strong author. We are waiting to make sure we have the best possible language the first time – though amendments on both sides will likely continue
ACTION ITEM FOUR: what you can do – your help critical
Contact as many legislators in the house of representatives via email and phone as you possibly can (all info available at www.house.leg.state.mn.us ) and ask them for their support on HF322 for joint physical custody and equal shared parenting – explain why bill is needed and how it will help – especially how it will help the children – tell any of them to contact CPR Molly K Olson at jpceffort@cpr-mn.org for questions.
Contact as many legislators in the senate via email or phone and let them know there is a senate companion bill to HF322 on the way – please support joint physical custody and equal shared parenting. – explain why bill is needed and how it will help – especially how it will help the children – tell any of them to contact CPR Molly K Olson at jpceffort@cpr-mn.org for questions.
Contact as many media people as you can possibly think of – ask them to follow this bill and give the public an opportunity to weigh in on it, suggest they contact you OR Molly K Olson at jpceffort@cpr-mn.org (email best due to high volume of calls). Media people that must be contacted include: radio talk shows (all major local stations – especially drive-time shows important), TV news stations (WCCO, KSTP, FOX9, KARE 11) and as many reporters as you can contact, and any and all newspapers in metro an across the state. Unless we get MEDIA on this issue the governor will never realize how important it is to the people, families, and children of Minnesota.
Contact the governors office – we want Gov. Mark Dayton to sign this bill – tell him "we the people" want him to sign the bill and the only opponents are the divorce industry – he is not accountable to the divorce industry (lobby groups) – remind him he was voted in to be accountable to the people! Tell him he will be a national HERO if he signs this bill and he will create a positive legacy for children for generations to come!
Call Gov office at 651 201 3400 or 800 657 3717
Email mark.dayton@state.mn.us
Email Yvonne.prettnersolon@state.mn.us
Watch TV show on Wednesday nights – Metro Cable Channel 6 from 8:30 – 9:30pm – tell other people about it – it is the only TV show in the nation exposing the problems in family court.
LET US KNOW WHAT PROFESSIONAL SKILLS YOU HAVE TO OFFER and we can probably plug you in other ways AFTER you have shown initiative by doing the above – email jpceffort@cpr-mn.org
ACTION ITEM FIVE: Help us raise money
CPR is a 501c 3 non-profit. All donations are tax-deductible – who do you know with money and a heart for children? Ask them to donate to CPR! It's a worthy cause. Our opponents are HIGHLY funded (divorce attorneys, domestic violence advocates, etc). One Legal Aid office in St Paul alone budgets $500,000 for lobbying (against us). CPR has ZERO money for lobbying. CPR pays no one to do any of this - we only mobilize volunteers. But copies of research can't even be made without donations.
Please contribute your 2001 membership donations for $75 to show your support for the CPR efforts – it will help pay for photocopies and other educational materials.
CPR Mission: to remove the obstacles that prevent both parents from being fully and equally involved in the lives of their children.
For more information: www.cpr-mn.org
Donations Made Easy: Join/Donate page at www.cpr-mn.org
All donations can be mailed to:
P.O. Box 130776
Roseville, MN 55113
Use "forward to a friend" button below to spread the word and tell others.
We need everyone involved – fathers, mothers, grandparents, second spouses, adult children of divorce, and more!
The progress we make is in direct proportion to the number of people willing to take the above actions.
This mailing system may only be used for sending permission based email. |
Center for Parental Responsibility - P.O. Box 130776, 2868 Middle St, Little Canada, MN, 55117, 55113, United States |
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Michigan Legislators Addresses
DADS and MOMS PAC Michigan Legislator addresses are now published. http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(dgadfqqcpxqknduiher0lmrh))/mileg.aspx?page=sponsorsearch James Semerad DADS and MOMS PAC 6632 Telegraph Road, Suite 110 ( phone: 248-467-1204 www.dadsmomspac.org info@dadsmomspac.org |
Michigan: Dollars and Sense
Governor Snyder will layout his budget plan on Thursday
Dollars and Sense:
How State and Local Governments in
Michigan Spend Your Money
Thursday, February 17, 2011
ACLU and Planned Parenthood Fighting Against Parental Rights
ParentalRights.org: Planned Parenthood Attacks the Parental Rights Amendment
PR Newswire via Yahoo! News Fri, 11 Feb 2011 06:30 AM PST
WASHINGTON, Feb. 11, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following is being released by ParentalRights.org:
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Comment on Freep: Poverty, abuse surge among Michigan children
Posted by: "Doug Dante" dougdante1@yahoo.com dougdante1
Wed Feb 9, 2011 5:56 am (PST)
Michigan's Children Ignores Evidence of Corruption
"Children with rumbling tummies and abused children worried about hiding fresh
injuries can't give their full attention to their lessons." said Jack Kresnak,
president and CEO of Michigan's Children
Yet Jack and his band of "give me more tax dollars" cohorts will continue to
ignore evidence that abused children are being systematically stripped of the
care of one parent, most often their fathers, because that arrangement generates
more Title IV-D funds for insiders at the court and Friend of the Court.
Today, when a parent of a poor child runs into the Friend of the Court and says
"Help me, my child is being abused by the other parent!" the FOC worker there
often choses to violate Michigan law (MCL 552.505) and refuse to make available
forms to change custody.
Worse yet, if he or she manages to actually get someone to bother to conduct a
custody investigation, the attitude of bureaucrats more interested in their
pocketbooks than the welfare of children seems to be "when one parent is on
welfare, the other must pay".
In other words, "We're going to violate Michigan's Child Custody Act (MCL
722.23), ignore the best interests of the child as defined by law, and instead
we're going to base the living arrangements of this child exclusively our own
financial interests, and if the child is abused, too bad."
Too bad for Nevaeh Buchanan, whose mom probably owed the state for her
incarceration, that it could collect that money by taking her child support.
Navaeh was stuck with her substance abusing mom and her sex offending "father
figure" while her apparently fit and willing dad was denied all access to his
own child. She was later murdered, probably due to the incredibly dangerous
situation in which she was placed.
But Michigan's Children won't say a peep about Navaeh, or the mess caused by
financial conflicts of interest which endanger abused children throughout the
state, because for them, there is always only one solution "give me more money".
More information online at scribd dot com slash DougDante.
Last Updated: February 08. 2011 1:32PM
Poverty, abuse surge among Michigan children
Annual 'Kids Count' paints dire picture of economy's impact
Catherine Jun / The Detroit News
Lansing— Nearly half of Michigan's public school students qualified for free
and reduced-price lunches in 2009, just one troubling statistic on how the
economic crisis has affected the state's youngest residents.
The rate of those who qualified jumped 26 percent in three years, rising to
almost 46 percent of children in 2009 from 36 percent in 2006, according to the
annual "Kids Count in Michigan" report released today. In Detroit, 81 percent
The lunches, funded by the federal government, are designed for students whose
families have gross incomes below $40,200 for a two-parent family of four.
"Sometimes you hear where parents eat less so they can provide for the kids,"
said Terri Stangl, executive director of the Center for Civil Justice, a
nonprofit law firm.
Macomb County showed the largest year-to-year increase: 39 percent in 2009,
compared with 32 percent in 2008.
The report also shows a 25 percent increase in the rate of confirmed victims of
abuse and neglect between 2000 and 2009.
For child advocates, the report highlights the need for the state to spend
more money on early childhood learning, starting with prenatal care and
preschool support.
"We can't ignore the huge role economic security, health and personal safety
play in a child's ability to learn," said Jack Kresnak, president and CEO of
Michigan's Children, a Lansing- based advocacy group.
"Children with rumbling tummies and abused children worried about hiding fresh
injuries can't give their full attention to their lessons."
Rates alarming
The report found childhood poverty increased at alarming rates for
African-American and Hispanic children, with 1 out of 2 and 1 out of 3,
respectively, living in poverty in 2009.
"What this means for these kids is that their struggle continues and their hope
for breaking the generational cycle of poverty is even a bigger struggle," said
Marcella Wilson, CEO of Matrix Human Services, which feeds and serves 1,500
Detroit children in its Head Start program.
The report examined data from the Michigan Department of Community Health and
other state and federal agencies.
The report also indicated that more than a quarter of Michigan's children
depended on food stamps in 2009, compared with 10 percent in 2000.
The report highlighted some improvements: Deaths of children 1-4 years old
declined by 17.3 percent in 2006-08.
The number of high school dropouts fell 25 percent from 2007-09.
The percentage of fourth- and seventh-graders who fell below proficient in
MEAP reading tests fell by 15.9 percent and 18.0 percent, respectively.
The Michigan League of Human Services, based in Lansing, compiled the report
with the Annie E. Casey Foundation, a charity dedicated to aiding disadvantaged
children. The full report can be viewed at www.milhs.org.
(313) 222-2019
From The Detroit News:
Comment on FreePress: Poverty, abuse surge among Michigan children
Posted by: "Doug Dante" dougdante1@yahoo.com dougdante1
Michigan's Children Ignores Evidence of Corruption
"Children with rumbling tummies and abused children worried about hiding fresh
injuries can't give their full attention to their lessons." said Jack Kresnak,
president and CEO of Michigan's Children
Yet Jack and his band of "give me more tax dollars" cohorts will continue to
ignore evidence that abused children are being systematically stripped of the
care of one parent, most often their fathers, because that arrangement generates
more Title IV-D funds for insiders at the court and Friend of the Court.
Today, when a parent of a poor child runs into the Friend of the Court and says
"Help me, my child is being abused by the other parent!" the FOC worker there
often chose’s to violate Michigan law (MCL 552.505) and refuse to make available
forms to change custody.
Worse yet, if he or she manages to actually get someone to bother to conduct a
custody investigation, the attitude of bureaucrats more interested in their
pocketbooks than the welfare of children seems to be "when one parent is on
welfare, the other must pay".
In other words, "We're going to violate Michigan's Child Custody Act (MCL
722.23), ignore the best interests of the child as defined by law, and instead
we're going to base the living arrangements of this child exclusively our own
financial interests, and if the child is abused, too bad."
Too bad for Nevaeh Buchanan, whose mom probably owed the state for her
incarceration, that it could collect that money by taking her child support.
Navaeh was stuck with her substance abusing mom and her sex offending "father
figure" while her apparently fit and willing dad was denied all access to his
own child. She was later murdered, probably due to the incredibly dangerous
situation in which she was placed.
But Michigan's Children won't say a peep about Navaeh, or the mess caused by
financial conflicts of interest which endanger abused children throughout the
state, because for them, there is always only one solution "give me more money".
More information online at scribd dot com slash DougDante.
Last Updated: February 08. 2011 1:32PM
Poverty, abuse surge among Michigan children
Annual 'Kids Count' paints dire picture of economy's impact
Catherine Jun / The Detroit News
Lansing— Nearly half of Michigan's public school students qualified for free
and reduced-price lunches in 2009, just one troubling statistic on how the
economic crisis has affected the state's youngest residents.
The rate of those who qualified jumped 26 percent in three years, rising to
almost 46 percent of children in 2009 from 36 percent in 2006, according to the
annual "Kids Count in Michigan" report released today. In Detroit, 81 percent
The lunches, funded by the federal government, are designed for students whose
families have gross incomes below $40,200 for a two-parent family of four.
"Sometimes you hear where parents eat less so they can provide for the kids,"
said Terri Stangl, executive director of the Center for Civil Justice, a
nonprofit law firm.
Macomb County showed the largest year-to-year increase: 39 percent in 2009,
compared with 32 percent in 2008.
The report also shows a 25 percent increase in the rate of confirmed victims of
abuse and neglect between 2000 and 2009.
For child advocates, the report highlights the need for the state to spend
more money on early childhood learning, starting with prenatal care and
preschool support.
"We can't ignore the huge role economic security, health and personal safety
play in a child's ability to learn," said Jack Kresnak, president and CEO of
Michigan's Children, a Lansing- based advocacy group.
"Children with rumbling tummies and abused children worried about hiding fresh
injuries can't give their full attention to their lessons."
Rates alarming
The report found childhood poverty increased at alarming rates for
African-American and Hispanic children, with 1 out of 2 and 1 out of 3,
respectively, living in poverty in 2009.
"What this means for these kids is that their struggle continues and their hope
for breaking the generational cycle of poverty is even a bigger struggle," said
Marcella Wilson, CEO of Matrix Human Services, which feeds and serves 1,500
Detroit children in its Head Start program.
The report examined data from the Michigan Department of Community Health and
other state and federal agencies.
The report also indicated that more than a quarter of Michigan's children
depended on food stamps in 2009, compared with 10 percent in 2000.
The report highlighted some improvements: Deaths of children 1-4 years old
declined by 17.3 percent in 2006-08.
The number of high school dropouts fell 25 percent from 2007-09.
The percentage of fourth- and seventh-graders who fell below proficient in
MEAP reading tests fell by 15.9 percent and 18.0 percent, respectively.
The Michigan League of Human Services, based in Lansing, compiled the report
with the Annie E. Casey Foundation, a charity dedicated to aiding disadvantaged
children. The full report can be viewed at www.milhs.org.
(313) 222-2019
From The Detroit News:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
USA Today: Domestic Violence Myths Help No One
Domestic Violence Myths Help No One By Christina Hoff Sommers "The facts are clear," said Attorney General Eric Holder. "Intimate partner homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45." That's a horrifying statistic, and it would be a shocking reflection of the state of the black family, and American society generally, if it were true. But it isn't true. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Justice Department's own Bureau of Justice Statistics, the leading causes of death for African-American women between the ages 15–45 are cancer, heart disease, unintentional injuries such as car accidents, and HIV disease. Homicide comes in fifth — and includes murders by strangers. In 2006 (the latest year for which full statistics are available), several hundred African-American women died from intimate partner homicide — each one a tragedy and an outrage, but far fewer than the approximately 6,800 women who died of the other leading causes. Yet Holder's patently false assertion has remained on the Justice Department website for more than a year. How is that possible? It is possible because false claims about male domestic violence are ubiquitous and immune to refutation. During the era of the infamous Super Bowl Hoax, it was widely believed that on Super Bowl Sundays, violence against women increases 40%. Journalists began to refer to the game as the "abuse bowl" and quoted experts who explained how male viewers, intoxicated and pumped up with testosterone, could "explode like mad linemen." During the 1993 Super Bowl, NBC ran a public service announcement warning men they would go to jail for attacking their wives. In this roiling sea of media credulity, one lone journalist, Washington Post reporter Ken Ringle, checked the facts. As it turned out, there was no source: An activist had misunderstood something she read, jumped to her sensational conclusion, announced it at a news conference and an urban myth was born. Despite occasional efforts to prove the story true, no one has ever managed to link the Super Bowl to domestic battery. World Cup abuse? But when the BBC journalists presented the deputy chief constable, Carmel Napier, from the town of Gwent with evidence that the World Cup abuse campaign was based on twisted statistics, she replied: "If it has saved lives, then it is worth it." It is not worth it. Misinformation leads to misdirected policies that fail to target the true causes of violence. Worse, those who promulgate false statistics about domestic violence, however well-meaning, promote prejudice. Most of the exaggerated claims implicate the average male in a social atrocity. Why do that? Anti-male misandry, like anti-female misogyny, is unjust and dangerous. Recall what happened at Duke University a few years ago when many seemingly fair-minded students and faculty stood by and said nothing while three innocent young men on the Duke Lacrosse team were subjected to the horrors of a modern-day witch hunt. And then there's Iran That was a self-serving lie. Western women, with few exceptions, are safe and free. Iranian women are neither. Officials like Attorney General Holder, the deputy constable of Gwent, and the activists and journalists who promoted the Super Bowl and World Cup hoaxes, unwittingly contribute to such twisted deceptions. Victims of intimate violence are best served by the truth. Eric Holder should correct his department's website immediately. Source: http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/forum/2011-02-03-sommers04_st_N.htm |
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Filing complaint against licensed social workers
I've enjoyed watching the 'Silent Voices' episodes w/ Dennis and Sandy. As I've listened to the different, but eerily similar, stories of parents, grandparents and relatives losing children to the "child welfare system" in Michigan, I am saddened by the way DHS/CPS/foster care agencies handle their cases. As a social worker - a licensed clinical social worker - currently living in CA, but born and educated in MI, I feel we, as I, too, am a victim of Michigan's system, should start filing complaints against licensed social workers and their supervisors. If you have a valid complaint about unethical practices, please go the National Association of Social Workers website. Read over our code of ethics and determine if a worker has acted improperly and unethically. Then file a consumer complaint. Go to www.michigan.gov, click on the 'Licensing for Health Care Professionals' link to read how to file the complaint. You can also verify that a license is current, if the person or his/her supervisor is licensed and whether there have been previous complaints made against a particular worker. If this had been done regularly by those of us affected by the "bad practices" of these so-called "social workers," we might not be at the point we are currently - fighting for our children with 'SILENT VOICES.' If you've done this, bully for you and for those of you who think there is no where else to turn, use this avenue to send a message that states, just like the NASW Code of Ethics, we will not stand by and allow a (licensed) "social worker to participate in, condone, or be associated with dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation." Do any of these adjectives describe what you've experienced from your interactions with social workers, interns, supervisors? If so, then, PLEASE, file the complaint. Let the social worker answer to his/her licensing board for a change. Send a message!
Dennis Lawrence
http://vimeo.com/channels/112287 MPR Video Channel
www.miparentalrights.ning.com Social Network
miparentalrights@gmail.com E-mail Address
Friday, February 4, 2011
IL: Political Action by Illinois Parents
MI: Father denied Parental Rights!
| ||||||||
ID: Parental Rights Amendment
Thursday, February 3, 2011
MN: ACTION Alert - ATTEND JPC Hearing Tues Feb 8 at 6pm
Legislative Update: Wednesday February 2, 2011
Joint Physical Custody/Equal Shared Parenting BILL
Legislative PUBLIC HEARING – Tuesday February 8, 2011 - 6pm - 9pm
Attend! We want a crowd! The legislators gauge public interest by the size of the crowd!
Call your legislators and tell them about the bill – ask for their support!
The Joint Physical Custody/Equal Shared Parenting Bill HF322
Introduced today in the Minnesota House of Representatives!
Author Rep. Peggy Scott – and many bi-partisan co-authors
Link: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bin/bldbill.php?bill=H0322.0.html&session=ls87
- Many months and many meetings went into writing the bill.
- There are still some missing pieces that will require amendments.
- There are still some unanswered issues that will require discussion and input.
- Read the bill and see what you think.
- Goals Accomplished: rebuttable presumption of 45.1% time for divorcing and never married parents, inform the public through multiple notices during the process, require parenting plans, eliminate the fight over the JPC label by giving it to everyone with a parenting plan, raise the bar for restricting a child's access to a fit loving parent.
- Email your questions, concerns, or suggestions to JPCeffort@cpr-mn.org
- Senate bill to follow soon.
Next Public Hearing: Tuesday Night February 8, 2011 ... location information:
- Tues Feb 8 2011 6pm – 9pm
- Minnesota House of Representatives
- State Office Building, Room 10
- 100 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
- St Paul, MN 55155
- Supporters testify: 6-7:30pm Opponents testify: 7:30 – 9pm
- Parking should be free.
- Read the bill (see link above)
- Email any questions, concerns, or suggested amendments or ideas for changes to the bill to JPCeffort@cpr-mn.org
- This bill, as written, doesn't handle existing cases well - give us your thoughts. Amendments and changes will be made, so your input is appreciated and needed and valued.
- Forward the bill to any and all media contacts (TV, radio, other) you can think of – tell them about the hearing and ask them to cover the story. Have them contact JPCeffort@cpr-mn.org if they have any questions.
- Ask your legislators to contact their colleagues on the Civil Law committee and ask them to pass the bill - it's what constituents want and what children need. But the divorce industry is against it -- it's not the legislators job to appease the divorce industry - they are there for YOU!!!
- SAVE THE DATE – mark your calendar – ATTEND the hearing - Tuesday night February 8, 2011, 6pm - 9pm
- The line-up of testifiers will be longer than time will permit (each person limited to 5 minutes), so if you really want to be heard, WRITE YOUR TESTIMONY in 2 pages or less and bring 20 copies so you can hand them to all committee members if you don't get a chance to speak – or give your copy to Molly Olson (CPR Founder) at the hearing and she will turn it in to the committee for you. When you write your story, follow the format:
- YOUR NAME, city and state where you live, county, some contact information
- Your position on the current bill HF322(you support JPC/ESP)
- Your story – briefly: year of your case or last court proceeding, kids involved, jobs you each hold, living distance, domestic violence yes or no (include false allegations and if proven false), worst thing they said about you in order as a reason to take custody and time from you (it's usually a lame excuse), how were best interest criteria used, were you given a copy of custody evaluation or GAL report, did you try mediation – why or why not, what was your "process" like – attorneys, custody evaluators, GAL, etc, how long did it take, what outcome did you want, what did you get, what is the impact on the child(ren), what is the biggest problem as you see and experience it, how would a presumption of joint physical custody and equal shared parenting have helped your situation?
- If anyone knows anyone that knows Governor Dayton who could get us time with the Governor or a staffer, email JPCeffort@cpr-mn.org … our opponents are saying the Governor will veto the bill?? We need to educate the Governor about the problems in family court. Our opponents have his ear. So far we don't. How can you help?
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Center for Parental Responsibility - P.O. Box 130776, 2868 Middle St, Little Canada, MN, 55117, 55113, United States |