Dear Friends:
The purpose of this email is to introduce you to my new business affiliation with Friends of the Fathers as a men's life coach...providing assistance to fathers navigating issues through the Michigan Friend of the Court (F.O.C.). These types of issues frequently play havoc with all parents...but especially fathers.
Although traditional legal assistance can address many of these issues, it can however be very expensive or even unavailable for many. While everyone has the right to litigate their own F.O.C. issues, this can easily prove to be a time consuming and frustrating process. This is where we come in.
Friends of the Fathers is a men's life coaching organization providing instructional guidance and direction to parents with unresolved Friend of the Court domestic-relations issues. We do not give legal advice or practice law; instead, we coach you in helping yourself.
You are undoubtedly aware of my previous experiences working with parents and children as founder of Dads & Moms of Michigan, the National Family Justice Association and Accurate DNA Testing, LLC. This latest effort is but a natural evolution in my career of helping responsible parents (especially fathers) to remain actively engaged in their children's lives.
If we can be of assistance to you or if you know of someone who needs our help, please contact us at your earliest opportunity or refer them as appropriate. Also note this month's workshop announcements following. Thank you for your past and future support.
Best wishes,
Murray Davis
Life Coach# 326 & Managing Partner
Friends of the Fathers Accurate DNA Testing, LLC
645 Griswold St. 26677 W 12 Mile Rd.
Detroit, MI 48226 Southfield, MI 48034
(313) 983-0044 (888) 362-0080
email addresses:
web sites:
Friends of the Fathers
"Strengthening Men and Empowering Fathers"
Fathers Navigating
through the Friend of the Court Series:
Helpful Hints & Tips
for Addressing Child Support Payments & Issues
Are you underemployed or unemployed?
If you answered "yes," contact Friends of the Fathers to attend our upcoming event
Do you know your rights and responsibilities with the Friend of the Court
Upcoming Workshop In Detroit, MI
"This workshop could save you hundreds even thousands of dollars"
Workshop Topic:
"How to File a Motion to Change Parenting Time"
Upon completion of this workshop, you will be able to do the following: Complete a motion form to Change Parenting time and Create a Parenting Time Plan
One-on-one consultations available on site to assess your needs!
When: Friday, June 25, 2010
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Where: Downtown Detroit - Penobscot Building
645 Griswold St. Ste. 1300 Detroit, MI 48226
Phone: 313.983.0044
$100.00 Registration Fee ($10.00 off with the Web Ad)
Upcoming Workshop in Pontiac, MI
When: Saturday, June 26, 2010
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Where: Refuge Center of Pontiac
Community Outreach Center
404 Cesar Chavez Pontiac, MI 48342
Phone: 313.983.0044
$100.00 Registration Fee ($10.00 off with the Web Ad)
Hosted by Bishop Lorenzo Turner, Pastor
"The Lord Jesus Church"
*Client testimonies:
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