Sorry I missed that the father is also being discriminated against. When are we as a society going to fight against the fraternal bigotry engrained on our laws and government agencies. Tea Party Patriots, when are you going to focus on ending the Welfare state that has destroyed the family thus requiring excessive taxation to support the broken family? Chanting, taxed enough already and expecting ignorant politicians to figure out how to go about properly reducing government is just plain stupid. You have to educate society, your friends, your family, your acquaintances on why the Welfare-Warfare state needs to be abolished thus reducing taxes so that they can take care those things that they care for.
From: darricksf []
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2011 10:29 AM
Subject: CPS: Detroit Mom's Rights Violated
Detroit News Sat, 02 Apr 2011 15:10 PM PDT
Detroit รข A group of parental rights supporters and activists gathered at a northwest-side church this morning to raise awareness and money for a mother jailed after a 10-hour standoff with police over her daughter's medications.
Darrick Scott-Farnsworth
Executive Director
Work 269 353-5041
Cell 269 209-7144 or Nextel DC ID 130*112*19287
True Conservative: Pro-Life, Liberty and Property
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