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Friday, January 7, 2011

Dads & Mom's Pac eNewsletter - Happy and Safe Holidays

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DADS and MOMS PAC eNews Alert!

December 2010

Wishing you a very Happy Holiday Season and thank you for all of your support in 2010.  May your holidays be bright and full of joy. We know that this is not possible for many parents and children, so we wish you peace and tranquility.

Dads and Moms PAC,

The Michigan Legislature is now ready to hear your voice.  Change is good
and we need a lot of it. The Republicans are in control and many have been our
supporter's. There are many Democrats and Republicans that support the
issues. Our issues are not about what political party you support, it is
about what is right for families. The greatest thing to do is talk to your
candidates in your District, and you do not have to go to Lansing. If you
can not reach them, call and talk to the Chief of Staff in their office.


We suggest when contacting your representatives that you not only email
them. Instead, call their offices on the telephone. You'll speak to a real
person, and have much more impact. These people are there to serve you. It
is their job to talk to you and to listen carefully to your concerns.

Kind regards



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